Soulful Business 1-on-1

with kaya


A Transformative  1 on 1 Coaching container for Heart-Aligned Humans who are ready to activate their magnetism and to thrive in business!

Are you ready to energetically align with the business of your dreams?

Welcome to ‘Soulful Business 1-on-1’ a unique coaching experience designed for those who are committed to elevating their energetics to attract the thriving business they truly deserve.

The Power of Energy: Your Foundation for Success

The foundation of any successful business lies in your energy. No matter how much effort you put into planning and executing business strategies, if your energy does not match your desired outcome, your efforts will fall short.

Before diving into strategies or action plans, it’s crucial to first create a clear flow within your emotional body, to eliminate mental blocks and elevate your vibrational frequency into a place of effortless attraction and magnetism.

Unresolved trauma, scarcity and lack mentality, emotional blocks, and low vibrational energy can prevent you from becoming the powerful attractor and manifestor that you destined to be.

When your energy is clear and your frequency is high, you naturally align with the opportunities, clients, and abundance that resonate with your highest vision.

This coaching container is designed to help you identify and release old blocks and paradigms, move past old trauma, shift your mentality, and raise your vibration so that you can effortlessly attract the business of your dreams.

Combining Potent Energy Work with Laser focused Coaching, alongside individualised unique strategy that works for you!

The ‘Soulful Business 1-on-1’ container is unique because it places YOUR ENERGY at the forefront of your business success. This game- changing approach to business will faciliate you to – 

  • Identify and Clear Blocks- Uncover hidden emotional and energetic blocks that are holding you back, and clear them to create space for new possibilities.
  • Heal Past Trauma imprints – Address and heal past traumas imprints that may be affecting your ability to manifest your desires. Powerful and potent energy healing modalities will allow you to move forward with a clean slate in the emotional body.
  • Elevate Your Vibration – Cultivate high vibrational energy that aligns with success, abundance, and joy, making you a magnet for what you want to attract.
  • Guide you to approach your business in a way that ALIGNS with you as an individual.
  • Support you in creating the Soul -aligned Business of your dreams

A Holistic Approach to Building and Nurturing your Soul- Aligned Business

This program is different because it takes a holistic approach to business coaching. Once your energy is aligned, we marry this powerful energetic foundation with laser-focused coaching and individualised business strategy:

  • Laser-Focused Coaching- Receive precise and impactful coaching that hones in on your unique challenges and opportunities. We cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters for your success.
  • Individualised Business Strategy – No two businesses are the same, and neither are the strategies we use. You’ll receive customized business coaching that is perfectly attuned to your vision and goals, ensuring that your strategies are as unique as you are.

Doing Business Your Way

The ‘Soulful Business 1-on-1’ container is aligned with the fact that every individual is unique, with their own nature, personality, and energetics. That’s why this coaching container is tailored specifically to you. We tap into who you are at your core, considering your personal energy and the way you naturally operate when developing your business strategy.

This program ensures that you are doing business your way—honoring your true self while aligning with the business of your dreams. By working with your natural flow, rather than against it, you’ll find that success comes more easily and feels more authentic.

Are you Ready to shift your frequency and step into Abundance? This container is for you!

  • This program is designed for those who are ready to transform their current belief system around success and step into a new way of being. If you’re ready to run the business of your dreams and vibrate at a frequency that matches your desired outcomes, this is the container for you.
  • If you understand that true success starts from within, and you’re prepared to elevate your energy to attract the life and business you’ve always envisioned, this offering is for you!
  • This program is for those who understand that our energy determines our success!
  • This program is for those who are truly ready to step into their power, heal on a deep level, and live in a continued state of abundance. If you’re committed to transforming your life and business, then ‘ Soulful Business 1-on-1’ is the perfect container for your growth.

Is This Program Right for You?

‘Soulful Business 1-on-1’ is not for everyone. This program is not for you if:

  • You’re Not Ready to Do the Work and expect someone else to do it for you – If you’re unwilling to confront and heal your own energetics, or if you’re not ready to release old stories and trauma patterns that are holding you back, this program may not be for you.
  • You’re Not Ready to Thrive – If you’re not prepared to embrace the mindset and energy of success, abundance, and thriving, then this program may not align with your current state of being.

Are you ready for Effortless Flow and powerful Manifestation?

When your energy is in harmony, the process of manifesting your dream business becomes effortless. You’ll find yourself moving with ease and grace, attracting soulmate clients and opportunities that are perfectly aligned with your vision. This container is designed to help you flow in this state of alignment, where everything comes together seamlessly and joyfully.

Why Choose ‘Soulful Business 1-on-1?

Kaya has 25 years of experience running the Heart Aligned, Soul-Ful business of her dreams.  Her success in business has taken her to heights she never could have imagined in the early days.  She didnt listen to those who told her she couldn’t succeed, she followed her heart, and never looked back.   Working with Kaya in your corner in Business will change your whole life.  She is a Master of all things ‘ Energetics’ and is a powerful Magnet to Life changing Opportunities and her Soul- Mate Clients.  She LOVES to share this magic with others in business to show them they can do it too!!  Kaya is a ‘ sharer’, and a compassionate giver, she gives from her overflow and goes above and beyond to support her clients.

In this Powerful and Potent Offering you will receive –

• Laser Focused Personalised Coaching designed just for you! -Receive tailored guidance that addresses your unique needs and requirements and meets you where you are at.

• Unwavering Support –  You will receive support like never before.  Kaya understands deeply how life works.  She understands the Laws of the Universe and how to work with them, she knows from her core that we are all here to thrive and to connect to our divine birthright of abundance.  She is here to show you that you can do it too. Prepare to be lovingly and expertly guided

• Energetic restructuring – We will work on all levels of your being—emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual—to ensure complete alignment. Powerful energetic healing modalities weaved in, alongside game changing mindset coaching and meditation and manifestation practices to leave you thrumming with alignment and effortlessly attracting and manifesting your wildest dreams to you with ease.

• Heart and Soul Alignment- We will create a business that not only succeeds but leaves you feeling deeply fulfilled and aligned with your true vision.  Kaya will expertly guide you through this whole process. Tackling this uniquely and individually is the only way you can ensure the process wil be aligned to who you are and to what your divine service to humanity is.

Step into your power as a heart-aligned entrepreneur. Let’s elevate your vibration and align your energy with the business of your dreams.

Keen to discuss your alignment for this incredible opportunity?  Lets see if we are a fit by getting you on a discovery call as soon as possible?  I am SO excited to move forward with you on this incredible life changing journey!